报告题目:The Entrepreneurial Factory and Happiness Labor: Contested Justice in Computing(工厂化创新和“幸福劳动”:算法的公平性挑战)
报告人:Prof. Silvia Lindtner(美国密西根大学/上海纽约大学)
主持人:贺樑 教授
报告时间:2021年12月8日星期三 下午13:30-15:00
Drawing from over ten years of ethnographic research, Dr. Lindtner will discuss the role the promise of technological innovation plays the shifting technology industry between China and the United States. She will introduce the two concepts of the entrepreneurial factory (“工厂化创新”) and happiness labor (“幸福劳动”) to demonstrate how gendered and racialized forms of exploitation are normalized in the name of happy life and the promise of turning people into entrepreneurial and innovative change makers. This entrepreneurial factory has spread beyond the IT industry and begun to shape other industries from manufacturing to agricultural production by visions of data-driven progress and innovation in AI (Artificial Intelligence). This talk argues that by centering the experience of workers, the violence they experience can be altered and we can begin to move towards more equitable and just technological futures.
Silvia Lindtner (she/her) is Associate Professor at the University of Michigan in the School of Information and the Director of the Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing (ESC). Lindtner draws from more than ten years of multi-sited ethnographic research, exploring China's shifting position in the global political economy of technology production, economic development, and science and technology policy. She is the author of Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation (Princeton University Press, 2020). The award-winning book reveals how a growing distrust in Western models of progress and development, including Silicon Valley and the tech industry after the financial crisis of 2007–8, shaped the vision of China as a “new frontier” of innovation. Lindtner’s work contributes to the fields of STS (science and technology studies), cultural and feminist anthropology, China studies, HCI (human computer interaction), global communication studies, science and technology policy, and design. Her research has been awarded support from the US National Science Foundation, IMLS, Intel Labs, Google Anita Borg, and the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation.